Patient info
Please help us keep our staff safe and working so we can continue to provide the best care we can for you and our community. We are working hard to maintain our services and minimize disruption and need your help.
Rocky Mountain Restorative Medicine aims to keep our community and staff healthy during this time. In efforts to do so, we are making a few modifications.
- All persons entering our facility will be screened at the front desk by asking COVID-19 screening questions and temperature will be taken.
COVID-19 Symptoms
Feeling feverish, having chills
Temperature of 100°F or greater
Loss of taste or small
New or unexplined persistent cough
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Sore throat
Runny Nose or congestion
Muscle or body Aches
Nausea, vomiting
We will ask you to reschedule your appointment or if you contact us prior we can also offer a same time telehealth appointment for any of the following:
If you have TWO or MORE of the COVID-19 symptoms list above,
If your temperature is 100.4° F or greater with NO other symptoms,
Pending COVID-19 PCR test related to concerns/exposure to COVID-19,
POSITIVE COVID-19 test and have not completed the required quarantine,
Out of state/country travel: please schedule your appointment at least 10 days post travel with no display of symptoms
We are committed to you and your care and will prioritize your rescheduling of your appointment. We thank you in advance for your commitment to us and each other.